Reading Practice 2nd-Book 2 Unit 30 (E)
7 카드 | CompassPublishing
a machine that does a particular job
No one knew how to work the device because there was no switch to turn it off or on.
figure out
to discover, solve, or understand
I've been trying to figure out the answer to this question all day.
relating to, affecting, or involving the entire world
global news and information is becoming easier to obtain.
someone who takes a long walk, often in a rural area, for exercise or enjoyment
A hiker is walking on the footpath.
a particular position or area
We went to our secret location for a picnic.
a natural object in space that moves in a circle around another object, such as a moon
You can see picture taken with the satellite on Google.
a specific purpose for which something may be employed
There are many uses for computers.
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