Reading Practice 2nd-Book 3 Unit 10 (E)
7 카드 | CompassPublishing
the study of living things
We learned about photosynthesis in biology today.
one of the major sections of an organization
His major was classified under the department of Education.
to come to an end
My driver's license will expire next month.
something that proves who a person is, usually a card or piece of paper
He used his driver's license as identification.
a system or agreement in which a person hires a company to pay for costs that are associated with damage to property, illness or other causes
I'm sure my insurance company will pay for the repairs.
the particular version of a magazine or newspaper printed for a specific date
I bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.?
a person's name, written in a particular and unchanging way, such as on a check
My signature is very simple, anyone can copy it.
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