Reading Practice 2nd-Book 3 Unit 20 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
bring up
to raise or make better
Please do not bring up anything negative at the meeting.
to think with care
You should consider it carefully.
a reason given tin defence of some fault
He's always making excuses for being late.
money that is given, by an individual or a bank, to someone to use that must be paid back and usually with a charge of interest
She took out a loan from the bank to pay for her college education.
in a manner that shows respect for the needs or feelings of other people
He doesn't know how to talk politely.
to cause or help someone to remember something he or she must do
Tom always needs to be reminded about his homework.
the process of fixing something that is damaged or broken
I had to take my car in for repairs.
to make payments on money that one has borrowed
I’ll repay the money I owe them next week.
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