Reading Starter 2nd-Book 1 Unit 04 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
used to stress the fact that two objects, people or places are being referred to
both Naomi and Glorialike to eat cookies!
an event where people attempt to do things better than others in order to win
There was a cookie-eating contest in the park on Saturday.
a type of sweet, baked food that is mainly made of flour, sugar, butter and eggs and is usually flat and round
There was a cookie -eating contest in the park on Saturday.
a drawing that represents the relationship between two or more measurements using lines
Look at the graph.
sixty seconds and one sixtieth of an hour
They ate cookies for one minute.
a public piece of grassy land, in or near a city or town, used as a place in which to exercise or play
We went to the park on Sunday.
something a person receives for winning a contest or doing something very well
The prize was $25.
an animal that lives in water and has a hard shell covering a soft body
A rabbit and a turtle had a contest.
normally; regularly
Pam usually eats chocolate chip cookies after lunch.
a person or thing that wins something such as a contest or prize
The winner of the race got a free bicycle!
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