Reading Starter 2nd-Book 3 Unit 12 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a bag with straps that go over your shoulders
It is easy to carry things in a backpack.
to put on one's clothes
He will dress well to play in the rain.
a sweet substance that is used to cover and decorate cakes
He put chocolate frosting on the cupcakes.
a drink that has a lemon flavor
We need some lemons, water, and sugar to make lemonade.
a small book with blank or lined pages for notes and memos
Every student needs a notebook for class.
a flat dish, usually round, that food is put on
Even the cups and plates were pink!
glasses with dark lenses which you wear to protect your eyes from bright sunlight
You will need a towel and sunglasses at the beach.
teddy bear
a children's toy which looks like a friendly bear
I slept with a white teddy bear when I was young.
one of the five individual and movable parts found at the end of each foot
Beth was dressed in pink from head to toe
to place something on or over a part of the body as clothing
She loves to wear a pink dress, pink shoes, and a pink party hat.
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