Reading Success 2nd-Book 1 Unit 02 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
alarm clock
a clock with a loud noise in order to wake one up
The student didn't hear his alarm clock, so he slept too much.
rather than, in place of, in advance of something
Were the lights on before now?
a reason given for doing something that you want to do
My friend had no excuse for not studying.
go off
to start making a noise suddenly
When the timer goes off, the food is ready.
to become aware of a sound being made through the ears
I can hear someone talking.
to extend a finger or other object in a particular direction for the purpose of showing something to someone
point to the correct answer.
to make a clock, timer or electronic device show or work at a particular time
set the clock for the correct time.
the specific point in time when something usually occurs, or is scheduled to take place
What time is lunch?
turn on
to switch on
turn on the fan if it's hot in the room.
a period of time with a length of seven days
The holiday starts in 2 weeks.
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