Reading Success 2nd-Book 2 Unit 17 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
at a time previous to someone or something
We didn't eat before coming here.
the process of learning at a school or university and the knowledge received from it
She has a lot of education.
scared; afraid
The dog feels frightened.
a message written on paper and often mailed
Put this letter in the mail for me.
look forward to
to expect; to hope for eagerly
I am looking forward to the weekend.
pay for
to give money in order to receive something
Which one do you want to pay for?
to respond by speech, writing or action
Did she reply yet?
an amount of money that is given to a student to pay for part or all of the cost of an education
I earned a scholarship for school.
during or from a particular period of time
since last week we haven't worked.
a line of vehicles that are connected together and to a machine that pulls it on a track
The train is late today.
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