Reading Success 2nd-Book 2 Unit 40 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
finger puppet
a doll that can be moved by putting your finger inside it
The class made finger puppets today.
the force that makes objects with mass fall down towards the ground
The gravity is weak on the moon.
to position something in a raised position so that the top part is fixed and the bottom is unsupported and moves freely
The lamp is hanging outside the restaurant.
one of the two bones in a person or animal's face which has teeth attached to it
Lions have strong jaws.
a type of puppet operated by pulling strings
Not many people know how to use marionettes.
a person who uses puppets to perform for a show
Not many people choose puppeteer as a job.
a straight, long, and thin pole or bar
Use this rod to keep the door open.
thick thread
How much string will this take to tie?
the wide, short finger on the side of the hand that helps a person hold or grasp an object
You need a thumb to hold things properly.
a plastic or metal container for soft substances
There is crack in the tube, so it's leaking.
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