Reading Success 2nd-Book 3 Unit 25 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
decorative writing, often written with a brush
calligraphy takes a lot of skill.
a person who is featured in a story, movie, or play
There are too many characters in this movie.
a room or building where people can look at various types of art
The gallery was very bright.
the words and signs that people of a common nation or region use to communicate with each other
language is important to study.
an image of someone or something, such as a photograph, painting, or drawing
This is a beautiful picture.
save up
to put money aside for a special purpose
She has been saving up money.
tiny pieces of ice formed in the air which fall to the ground during winter or cold weather
There is a lot of snow outside.
spare time
free time; time when you can do things you enjoy
I have too much spare time lately.
course of study
What subject did you learn today?
take hours
to take a very long time
Reading this book will take hours.
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