Reading Success 2nd-Book 4 Unit 02 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
a lot of
many of some thing or people
There are a lot of people here.
in fact; really
actually, I don’t have a job.
a piece of soft towel or paper, which you fasten round a baby's bottom in order to soak up its urine and feces
Is there any more diapers?
causing to feel shame
She felt embarrassed when giving her presentation.
grow up
to get older
He wanted to be a doctor when he grew up.
not protected; not able to defend yourself
The person looks helpless over there.
sit up
to move from lying down to an upright position
The student won't sit up and pay attention.
to desire to know something
She wonders what she will do later.
to open the mouth very wide and take a deep breath, usually because of tiredness or boredom
The dog yawned because it was tired.
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