Reading Success 2nd-Book 4 Unit 23 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
an official legal agreement between different people, groups, companies, or organizations
The contract will be for 4 years.
increasing or getting larger slowly through more and more additions
The cumulative points from the game were high.
doctor's notice
an official note from a doctor confirming a period of illness
I will bring a doctor's notice tomorrow to the office.
make up
to do something at a later time that is after the scheduled time
You can write a make up exam tomorrow.
to fail to hit something or obtain a desired result
She was sick, so she missed the class.
There is a lot of paperwork involved with this job.
public holiday
a national holiday when people do not have to work or go to school
Tomorrow is a public holiday, so let's go on a trip.
to come back after being away from somewhere
My friend will return to the office tomorrow.
to agree
Please submit your essay tomorrow.
time off of work used for relaxation or travel
I'll take a vacation next week.
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