Reading Success 2nd-Book 4 Unit 26 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
used for introducing a statement that makes a previous statement seem unlikely or surprising
although we worked hard, we didn't finish.
a feature that makes something or someone desirable or interesting
The main attraction is the movie.
a problem or illness which affects someone's mind or body
The doctor didn't know what disorder the person had.
far away
a long distance from here; not close
I live far away from here.
fortunately, we still have time to finish the work.
acting in a kind, helpful way toward someone
People are friendly in this city.
get a job
to find employment
getting a job can be a lot of work.
insurance company
a company that pays the expenses if you have an accident
He works at an insurance company.
look after
to take care of
He looks after his parents.
someone who travels to a place for pleasure, usually while on vacation
There are a lot of tourists here.
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