Reading Success 2nd-Book 4 Unit 35 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the area of land that is right next to a sea or ocean
The coast is warm today.
a very large mass of floating ice in the sea
icebergs can be dangerous.
insist on
to demand something and refuse to be persuaded to accept anything else
Don't insist on working too hard.
lean over
to bend so that part is on top of or above; to bend over
Don't lean too far over the side.
to stop momentarily before beginning again
Let's pause from playing the game.
to say someone or something has good qualities and perform well at something
I recommend that restaurant.
sail up
to travel on a ship
Put the sails up.
a large sea mammal that eats fish and lives near the water
seal fur is expensive.
trip over
to fall because you hit your food against something
Don't trip over the rocks.
used to introduce two choices or possibilities
whether or not he is ready, the test is starting.
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