Reading Success 2nd-Book 6 Unit 10 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a couple of
a pair; two or more, but not many
a couple of people are still working here.
to form a layer over something
He covered the hole so water wouldn't come in.
as much as is needed
There isn't enough food here for everyone.
for a while
during a short time
She studied for a while last night.
a show, performance, or job for a musician or performer
Her band has a gig tonight at the bar.
only just or almost not true or possible
I hardly think that is needed.
in public
in front of many people
Some people are afraid of speaking in public.
When a poem is considered lyric, it is written in a simple and direct style.
The lyrics of this song are really good.
on sale
at a discounted price
Everything in the store is on sale today.
very likely
There is probably no reason to stay.
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