Reading Success 2nd-Book 6 Unit 15 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
against the law
not legal; not allowed by law
Stealing is against the law.
a cylindrical vessel used for holding or carrying liquids or solids
We put a bucket on the floor to catch the water.
comfortable and pleasant
The room was very warm and cozy.
a long period of dry weather
There was a drought last yet here.
to form ideas or images in your head that are not real
Nobody imagined how much damage there would be.
in fact
in reality or actuality
in fact this needs to be worked on more.
the ground in a park or around a home that is covered with grass that is usually kept short
The lawn was covered in mud.
low-interest loan
money borrowed from a bank that you have to repay plus a little more
They took out a low-interest loan to pay for it.
being usual, ordinary, or regular
It is normal to want more in life.
a small pool of water or liquid on the ground
There was a puddle of water on the floor.
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