Reading Success 2nd-Book 6 Unit 34 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
as if
as it would be if
as if he could ever swim that far.
money in the form of coins instead of paper
He hates carrying lots of change in his wallet.
the act of saying goodbye and leaving
He said farewell to his friend, and got on the train.
have trouble
to have difficulty
She has trouble studying lately.
the act of telling people your name for the first time
She gave a good introduction to everyone.
mixed feelings
a mix of positive and negative feelings about something
I've had mixed feelings about leaving.
possibly; maybe
perhaps I'll take a vacation next week.
occurring only a short time ago
Is this news article recent?
the act of stopping work or a career, often after having reached a certain age
He is close to retirement age.
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