Reading The World Now-Book 1 Unit 19 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
the act of legally taking and holding a person believed to have committed a crime
She was arrested there and sent to prison.
a formal discussion on a particular topic in which opposing arguments are put forward
As communities became larger, some people had time to reflect and debate.
having to do with the household or family; not foreign
In Three Sisters Playing Chess, Anguissola painted her sisters in a domestic setting.
the moral principles, standards, and rules for conduct and deciding what is right and wrong
Stealing money is against the ethics of this society.
something that gives proof or a reason to believe something
The State used the golden eggs, the goose, and the magic harp as evidence against Jack.
the act of making and performing an experiment or test
The product is still in its experimentation phase. We found there were more variables we had to deal with.
to create something
The United Nations was founded in 1945.
a person whose job is to visit places such as schools or restaurants and make sure that everything is working properly
I’m inspector Lozano.
greatly changed from the normal
The school district made radial changes by forbidding bicycles on school campuses.
an act of breaking a law
The judge sent her to jail because she had over 30 traffic violations.
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