Reading The World Now-Book 2 Unit 09 (E)
9 카드 | CompassPublishing
to say something openly or officially
The king has declared freedom for everyone who will live in his kingdom.
the basis or support for something; the stone or concrete structure that supports a building
The foundations of the building were damaged by the severe earthquake.
social group of men with the same interests; brotherhood
The fraternity club houses are located across the street.
A legislature is the section of a government that makes laws.
The senator had served ten years in the national legislature.
(old-fashioned, impolite) a person of low social status, usually who works on a farm
Most peasants had a difficult time each winter.
a set of rules or ideas that a particular group or organization uses to guide their actions
His laws introduced policies to protect all people-even women and children.
to fight against one's government or someone with authority
Then, the people would see that he had no reason to rebel against the King
a change or improvement made to a system that has some problems
Most poeple are afraid of changes and reform.
the act of keeping within certain limits
There is only one restriction you need to look over.
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