a person or group that joins another for a cause or against common enemies
Another strong ally of the Pyeongchang 2018 bid has been Korean Air Chairman and the head of the 2018 bid committee, Cho Yang-ho.
경계, 국경
A river marks the border between the United States and Mexico.
a person who buys and uses products and services
When shopping, you should be a smart consumer and compare prices.
to support or actively encourage
to take advantage of or treat someone badly in order to get something good for yourself
Responsible consumers do not buy products that were produced in sweatshops where children and other workers are exploited.
hard work
After several hours of hard labor, the workers completed the job.
producing a lot of money
Restaurants may not always be among the most lucrative businesses.
to displease or anger someone through one's words or actions
Joseph was offended.
money remaining after business expenses are deducted
She made a big profit selling Christmas decorations.