Short Articles for Reading Comprehension-Book 2 Unit 03 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a vehicle used to carry people and goods which moves on wheels
The police made all the automobiles go one way and all the trucks go another.
to stay away from something
It is wise to avoid people who have bad morals because they will get you into trouble.
to make things distinct from one another
It takes wisdom and guidance to be able to differentiate between good and bad.
relating to or affecting all the things or people in a group
In general, Penny always did her work on time and was a good student.
the rules of a language that describe its structure and how words are formed into sentences
grammar is necessary in learning a language, but it should not be the most important thing.
a group of words that mean a particular thing when put together that is different from their individual meanings
Get out of hand and "drop her a line" are two idioms that sound confusing.
restricted in extent or amount
We did not go into the forest because of our limited knowledge of the area.
the way that a word is pronounced
Tolly knew a lot of English, but his poor pronunciation made it hard to understand him.
an official statement which explains how things must be done and what is allowed in a particular system or situation
There are many rules at school.
words in general
Any person who reads a lot has a broad vocabulary.
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