Short Articles for Reading Comprehension-Book 2 Unit 06 (E)
11 카드 | CompassPublishing
belonging to the distant past, especially thousands of years ago
Cheops, an ancient ruler of Egypt, built the largest pyramid in Giza.
being related to competition
Vin was a very competitive person because he always wanted to be the best at everything.
a discussion between people who have conflicting ideas about a subject being discussed
I watched the political debates on television.
to receive or obtain a pleasant feeling from something
Some medicines are derived from plants, so people think they are better for your body.
materials, facts, and information used in a court of law to establish or prove something
There was no evidence that Matthew had eaten the cookies-they were all still in the jar.
being present, known or active in two or more countries
Rosa opened an international restaurant and served different foods from all over the world.
a device that is created for the first time
The light bulb and the computer are two useful inventions we still use today.
to refer to something briefly; to write or speak about something briefly
You are not to mention that girl’s name in this house.
the time or place where something begins; the source of something
The origin of the Italian language is Latin.
the written part of a book or other work
Our texts for class are Biology Today and Bacteria in Action.
to find someone or something that has disappeared
She traced the rocks back to the pond and found a big pile of them there.
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