Short Articles for Reading Comprehension-Book 2 Unit 09 (E)
11 카드
a group of products made by a specific producer
Jenny paid a lot of money for a t-shirt with a brand name on it.
to bite food multiple times with your teeth in order to make it small enough to swallow chew your food more than twenty times before swallowing it and your body will be healthier.
the production of different kinds of products on a large scale, often done in factories
The oil companies are a part of the fuel industry.
to make a large amount of products in a factory
Companies manufactured things to display at the expo.
to cause someone to do something using words or advice
My grandfather kindly persuaded us to think about things before just rushing into them.
relating to, existing, or happening in a time before people were capable of writing
Dinosaurs are part of our prehistoric past.
the leader of a republic
The president will meet with the kings of several nations at the meeting.
to produce, cause, or be the reason for something
Using only paper and pencils, the artist produced a beautiful sketch of the waterfront.
a sticky substance that is produced by some trees and plants
Amber is actually the resin from a certain kind of tree, and is common in Poland.
a liquid substance inside a plant that carries the plant's foods
You need about 40 liters of tree sap to make 1 liter of maple syrup.
vending machine
a machine that sells things
Most vending machines are full of unhealthy junk food.