Short Articles for Reading Comprehension-Book 3 Unit 14 (E)
6 카드 | CompassPublishing
an amount of a substance that has gathered somewhere as a result of a natural chemical reaction
The gold miners found a large deposit of gold in that area.
being able to last or stay in a good condition for a long time
It is better to pay a little more for something durable than to buy something cheap that breaks easily.
rock formed from cooled liquid rock
igneous rocks were originally magma that cooled and hardened.
cannot be defeated
No man alive is invincible, everyone has a weakness.
small, attractive objects that people wear to improve their appearance
Women throughout time have liked to wear all kinds of jewelry for decoration and rank.
to shine with a lot of very small points of light
Diamonds and glass sparkle in the sunlight, but a diamond is much harder.
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