Target Listening-Student Book 1 Unit 16 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
to run after or follow someone or something very quickly
I chased the bus down the road, but it was too fast.
a choice made after giving consideration
You made the right decision by going to college.
to talk about others' private lives
Don't gossip too much, it makes you look bad.
the time of the year during which CROPS are gathered from the fields after they are fully grown
The harvest is usually collected in the fall.
being in the place where one was born
She is a native of Indonesia.
to put things in order or in a structured way
She organized her desk so that important papers were easy to find and she knew where everything was.
To peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
I peeled off my wet socks and threw them in the laundry.
to answer something or someone
The police did not respond in the way she expected them to; they were very helpful.
a custom, practice, or belief that has been in place for a long time and passed down in a culture or a family
The bachelor party is a tradition that usually occurs a week before a man gets married.
something that does not let water through
My new boots are waterproof.
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