Target Listening (Practice Test)-Practice Book 2 Unit 12 (E)
30 카드 | CompassPublishing
to make the shape of an arch
The trees arched over the small road.
to give a job or tasks to someone to do something
The mother assigned different household chores to her children.
back and forth
backward and forward
We walked back and forth because we couldn’t find the post office.
one who is doing something for the first time
It is common for beginners to make many mistakes at first.
to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own
Liza likes to brag about all the designer clothes that she has.
to annoy or bother
My dog likes to bug me by biting my toes when I'm trying to do my homework.
pleasing or delighting
Most people like him because he is so charming.
the time by which something must be finished
The journalist typed all night to finish the article before the 9:00 a.m. deadline.
providing education or related to education
The film was quite educational.
She was choosy about the type of fabric she used for her wedding gowns.
If you fight something unpleasant, you try in a determined way to prevent it or stop it happening.
Stores are fighting the poor economy by having many sales on their merchandise.
disappointed or annoyed because something cannot be done
We're becoming very frustrated with the process It seems like immigrating will be impossible.
an area or passage inside the front door of a building that leads to other rooms
If you walk down the hallway, my room is the one at the end.
willing to help or useful
Your book was helpful for my report on Chinese characters.
riding a horse
The police were on horseback.
knock over
to cause to fall by pushing or throwing something at an objec
I knocked over all the pins while I was bowling.
a person whose job it is to protect the safety of the people in the water
Being a lifeguard is a good summer time job.
the shape made by the edge of a dress or shirt at the front of the neck or on the chest
The neckline on her shirt is very low.
nor, nor yet, no more
Bob can't go, and neither can I.
on time
according to schedule; punctually
Yolanda arrived for her appointment on time.
to not notice
I am sorry but I overlooked some mistakes in the document.
a small group of words that forms part of a sentence
Sometimes, looking for phrases within sentences is difficult.
a large object in space that circles a star (e.g. Earth or Jupiter)
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is commonly referred to as the Red Planet.
of or relating to the country of Portugal
Joachim is portuguese.
the background or landscape
The scenery in the photo was quite pleasant.
to attempt to find
We all searched for his car keys with no luck.
not just; not fair
I think it was unfair of them to only let the older kids play in the game.
the winning of a battle, struggle, or contest; success in defeating an enemy or opponent
The war ended with no victory.
a person who plays the violin as a career
The violinist left her priceless violin in a taxi.
made of wood
The wooden chopsticks you get at a convenient store are disposable.
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