Target Listening (Practice Test)-Practice Book 3 Unit 12 (E)
40 카드 | CompassPublishing
very eager to do something
Younger students seem more ambitious about learning English than older students.
to express approval; give praise
We applauded loudly after her motivating speech.
to reach or succeed in getting something
attaining the office of president was his goal in life.
loved very much
Ji-soo is my beloved wife.
odd, whimsical
Something bizarre happened this morning. I thought it was the weekend when it was clearly Tuesday.
a severe snowstorm
The blizzard that affected parts of the southwest was disastrous since citiznes were not accustomed to driving in so much snow.
the bottom part of a hat that sticks out all round
The brim of his hat was bent upwards.
a number of things of the same type fastened or closely grouped together
Shelly grabbed a bunch of bananas and put them into her shopping cart.
call on
to select someone to perform some task
My teacher always calls on students who don't raise their hands.
the seat of governmental power of a country or an individual state
The capitol of the state of New York is Albany.
a stick or sticks which you lean on for support when you have an injured leg or foot
When he broke his foot, he had to use crutches to get around.
the measurement of how hot or cold something is
The temperature fell 10 degrees last night.
divide up
to separate
Please divide up all the sheets of colored paper to the students.
to make an exact copy
Please duplicate all these questions for the next test.
an unexpected situation in which immediate action is necessary, often because there is danger
In an emergency, try to remain calm.
to show; to make visible
Parents should be wary of certain video games that expose young children to violent behavior.
the physical area
The apartment complex had a nice recreational facility including a weight room and indoor swimming pools.
to complete all the details of something
We finalized my work contract today.
having a lot of flavor or taste
All the interesting spices made the dish quite flavorful.
to fall down suddenly especially with noise
The tired puppy flopped down on his bed and fell asleep.
to require an interest or concern of someone or something
Tom didn't want to get involved in the argument between Maggie and Charles.
to give a reason to do something
motivating teenagers to do their homework and study hard is a challenge to most teachers.
to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, which have long thin stems and grow close together
I will mow the lawn this weekend.
the tendency to be hopeful and to emphasize or think of the good part in a situation rather than the bad part
Even after the divorce, the father remains optimistic that he can do a good job of raising his children alone.
a child whose parents have died
At the end of a war, there are usually many orphans.
to charge a purchaser too high a price
The restaurant overcharged me for my food so I made a complaint.
to pay more than what one is supposed to for something
My company overpaid me by $150 on my paycheck.
the small table or platform a speaker usually stands behind
As the audience applauded, Lisa strode onto the stage, accepted her award, and prepared to speak from the podium.
one of many round spots that form a pattern on cloth
Her black skirt had white polka dots all over it.
to make a revision in the appearance or function of
The hotel redesigned its entire lobby.
the place in which one lives
Her residence was located three blocks from the beach.
commonly; usually
You should routinely visit your doctor to make sure that you are not having any health problems.
discipline and training of oneself, usually for improvement
It takes a lot of self-discipline to be the very best at something.
to vouch for; to promise to help
My uncle's restaurant sponsored my baseball team.
the amount before tax is added
The subtotal for the item is only $15.45 but remember, this price doesn't include tax.
a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behavior
Being rude is not a positive trait.
not ordinary
Snow in southern California is very uncommon.
having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication within the contemporary realm of countries
Somalia is an underdeveloped country on Africa's eastern coast.
to be lead or guided out
The angry crowd was ushered out of the building by security.
any plant having a long, slender stem that trails or creeps on the ground or climbs by winding itself around a support
There were several bunches of grapes growing on the vine.
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