Target Listening (Practice Test)-Practice Book 4 Unit 10 (E)
54 카드 | CompassPublishing
a person who actively supports or favors a cause
He was an advocates of health care reform to make it more affordable for the poor.
a protein produced in the blood which fights diseases by attacking and killing harmful bacteria
If your body did not produce antibodies, you'd always be sick.
a chronic lung condition presenting difficulty of breathing
The boy had to use medicine to control his attacks of asthma.
a developmental disorder of children that impairs language and other communication skills in addition to social abilities
autism is more common in boys than girls.
difficult to use, do, or deal with
During adolescents, teenagers often feel very awkward with what is going on in their bodies.
an unmarried man
I was surprised to know that he was still a bachelor at the age of 40.
a severe snowstorm
The blizzard that affected parts of the southwest was disastrous since citiznes were not accustomed to driving in so much snow.
to satisfy someone's special needs and desires
The hotel staff will cater to a guest's every need.
a sale
The clearance lasted only for the weekend.
to make a statement of opinion, explanation
Darren commented on the lack of care shown to the elderly.
a tense meeting or a clash
The confrontation between the manager and the employee harmed the image of the company.
to do away with
The house was completely demolished during the earthquake.
to punish or penalize in order to control
I was disciplined by my parents because they did not want me to make the same mistake twice.
to give away so as to help
I donated my old clothes to charity.
a course that students get to choose; not required
I took film appreciation as one of my electives this semester.
one's racial background
Your ehtnicity should not be an issue about whether you get the job or not.
a ficticious story ment to entertain
One of my daughter's most beloved fairytales is Cinderella.
not likely or realistic
His plan to swim across the river was absolutely far-fetched.
a water-soluble plant pigment that is beneficial to health
Foods that contain flavonoids are really good for you.
previously in time or order
The European Union was formerly called the European Community.
give in
to capitulate
It took me a month of asking her out, but she finally gave in and agreed to have dinner with me.
the father of your father or mother
Grandad says I look just like my dad when I was his age.
information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what something should be
The teacher did not have specific guidelines for the students to follow which caused some students to be very confused.
a person armed with or expert in the use of a gun
After the robbery, the bank was surrounded with gunmen who kept onlookers away.
resistance to or protection against a specified disease
With earlier vaccinations, there is more immunity to chicken pox then there was sixty years ago.
an unjust or unfair act
Since he could not stand the injustice of the government any longer, he decided to leave the country.
when two or more people or things interact
Children need interaction with others their age to help them develop their social skills.
annoyed by someone or something
I was very irritated by her decision not to put me in charge of the project.
not able to find an equal to
Her matchless skills on the tennis court made her a champion.
absence of existence
Her social skills are nonexistent.
recurring at intervals of time
Joseph makes periodic visits into town when he needs supplies.
Her parents were very permissible and allowed their daughter to make all decisions independently even though she was only 12 years old.
the act of asking for something to the point of begging
All the pleading from the citizens made the king change his mind about jailing the young boy.
to restore to assurance or confidence
Her praise reassured me that I had done alright.
less of something
The reduction of the husband's salary affected the family greatly.
a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc.
The traveler sought relief from the storm.
the sale of goods to consumers, usually in small quantities
Common citizens buy the majority of their goods from retail stores.
not thinking about the feelings or health of other people
He is a ruthless businessman and nothing will stop him when it comes to a business opportunity.
appearing to be something, especially when this is not true
No one seemingly noticed that she made a few errors in her presentation.
not having the usual or necessary number of workers, helpers, etc.
Our cafe cannot afford to be shorthanded on the weekends because that is our busiest time.
one who instinctively doubts, questions, or disagrees with generally accepted conclusions
I have to admit that I am a skeptic when it comes to fortune tellers and people who claim they can speak to the dead.
to make clean and free from germs
Long ago, doctors did not sterilize their tools before using them on patients.
attracting attention for being unusual or remarkable
He looks strikingly similar to Brad Pitt.
an area of land
You need to wear proper shoes when hiking due to the rough terrain.
Alex timidly walked into the classroom to begin his first day of school.
to be successful; victorious
The triumphant team raised the championship trophy in the air.
game played where participants answer questions about general knowledge
Testing one's knowledge of trivia can be fun at parties.
very neat
His uncluttered room surprised his mother.
not capable of being disputed
When you are wealthy, it is an undeniable truth that you can buy happiness to a certain degree.
not lived in or occupied
The inspector said that the area to the south was largely uninhabited.
continuous; unbroken
The singer enjoyed an uninterrupted string of hit songs in the early 90s.
not under control; dangerous
The untamed horse refused to be domesticated by the cowboy.
the quality of being credible and well-grounded
Her testimony added to the validity of the prosecuter's case.
a wild, uncultivated or uninhabited region
When I was younger, I used to enjoy camping in the wilderness. However, since the wolf attack, I prefer to stay in the city.
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