Very Easy Reading 2nd-Book 2 Unit 01 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
used to add information that will contrast something that was previously stated
I want to play today but I have to clean my room.
a common water bird with a heavy body, short legs, a short neck and a wide, flat bill
ducks swim well and live near the water.
each and every person
everyone was sleeping when I arrived home.
satisfied, especially with food or drink
Sue can't eat anymore because she is full.
referring to a person or thing that has not yet been mentioned
I want to wear my other blue shirt today.
a very young dog
I got a new puppy for my birthday.
a small animal with soft fur and long ears, that lives in holes under the ground or is kept as a household pet
A rabbit is faster than a turtle.
wanting to rest or sleep
I was so tired after school, I had to take a nap.
wake up
to stop sleeping
David needs to wake up earlier in the morning.
the sound that a dog makes when it barks
I heard a 'woof' sound and knew that my dog was close to home.
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