Very Easy Reading 2nd-Book 2 Unit 13 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
a soft container, often made from paper, plastic or cloth, that is used for carrying items
There is a hole in this plastic bag.
moving from a higher condition or position to a lower one
You have to go down two floors to go to the Korean restaurant.
to move through the air
Last night I had a dream that I could fly.
to make contact with a person or object quickly and with a lot of force, often using a hand
The stone hit the car window and smashed it.
to the inside of
The genie went into his lamp.
close to; not far from
I live near my school.
out of
used to indicate direction or movement from within to the outside of
He walked out of the house and into the hot weather.
Even if I am scared, I always act brave.
to rest in a position where one's bottom is on a flat surface, such as a chair or the floor, with the top of the body remaining up; to get into a position with one's bottom is on a flat surface
I like to sit down when I'm tired.
to move through water using your arms or legs; fins, or tail
Can you swim 100m?
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