Very Easy Reading 2nd-Book 3 Unit 20 (E)
10 카드 | CompassPublishing
being at a very low temperature or having cool air
I don't like winter because it's always cold outside.
extending far beneath the surface of something
The well was so deep I couldn't see to the bottom.
to jump into water head first with your arms extended
You are not allowed to dive in this area.
an intelligent sea animal that resembles a fish but gives birth to its young, breathes air and has a pointed nose
Some people enjoy swimming with dolphins.
get out of
to escape from a difficult situation
I like to get out of the house on weekends and go hiking.
having a color that is somewhere between black and white
There are gray clouds in the sky.
to show happiness with sound and a smile
I always laugh when someone tells a funny joke.
a large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in
On hot days, I got swimming at the pool.
the part of something that lies to the left or right if its center
The side of the bathtub was very wet and slippery.
cease; end; halt
Please stop at that sign and then turn left.
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