Very Easy Reading 3rd-Book 3 Unit 04 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
a game played outdoors on a large field where two teams try to score runs by using a bat to hit a small ball, or the ball used in the game itself
My brother's favorite sport is baseball.
the part of an ocean or sea's shore that is sandy and filled with small rocks
We went swimming at the beach.
a man who tends cattle and rides a horse
Many cowboys wear hats and ride horses.
a piece of clothing that is shaped to fit and cover the head
She puts a hat on her head.
one of a group of people or things that belong together because they have something in common
I read many different kinds of books.
the large, bright, burning object in space which provides Earth with heat and ligh
The sun rises in the morning and sets at night.
swimming cap
a rubber cap which you wear to keep your hair dry when you are swimming
When we go swimming, we wear swimming caps.
to have clothing, jewelry, etc. on the body
Jason was wearing a heavy winter coat.
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