Very Easy Reading 3rd-Book 3 Unit 08 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
a tall African animal with dark spots on its fur and an extremely long neck and legs
The giraffe has very long neck.
to try not to let others see you
I can’t see my cat when it hides in the garden.
one of the lower extremities of a body used for support and transport
He had very strong legs because he ran every day.
a large, wild animal of the cat family that has yellow and brown fur and lives mainly in AFRICA
The king of animal is a lion.
the part of a person or animal that connects the head to the shoulders
The giraffe has the longest neck.
a usually circular area that is different in color or style from the area around it
Some dogs are white with black spots.
having greater than normal height
My father is tall but I'm short.
a place, usually in a city, where wild animals are kept in order to view, study or protect them
Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did. I saw sea lions.
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