Very Easy Reading 3rd-Book 3 Unit 15 (E)
8 카드 | CompassPublishing
to say what you think is likely or probable
I have a present for you. Can you guess what it is?
to use hands or arms to carry or keep something
Can you hold my books while I put my coat on?
the brightness given by the sun, moon, lamps etc.
Elephants are heavy, but cats are light.
MP3 player
a small portable digital audio player capable of storing MP3 files
I use my MP3 player to listen to music.
something presented as a gift
There was a big present under the Christmas tree.
to move something toward you
My brother pulls my hair ribbon. I don’t like it.
a narrow strip or band of fine fabric
I'm wearing a pink ribbon in my hair.
a warm knitted article of clothing which is worn on the upper part of one's body
I am going to put on a sweater because it is cold in here.
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