Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 2 Unit 07 (K)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
make a snowman
눈사람을 만들다
I make a snowman in the winter.
go sledding
썰매를 지치다
We go sledding in the winter.
play baseball
야구를 하다
Does he play baseball in the summer?
plant flowers
꽃을 심다
The kids are planting flowers by the road.
go to the beach
해수욕장에 가다
I want to go to the beach this summer.
make a sandcastle
모래성을 만들다
The girl made a sandcastle on the beach.
pick apples
사과를 따다
Jane is picking apples from a tree.
start school
학교에 입학하다
The kids start school next week.
throw snowballs
눈덩이를 던지다
The children are throwing snowballs at each other.
go skating
스케이트를 타다
We go skating and skiing in winter.
clean the house
집안을 청소하다
Please help me clean the house.
go for a walk
Let's go for a walk after dinner.
play tennis
테니스를 치다
I play tennis twice a week.
eat ice cream
아이스크림을 먹다
They go shopping and eat ice cream.
rake leaves
갈퀴로 낙엽을 긁다
Will you rake up the fallen leaves?
go camping
캠핑을 가다
I will go camping with my friend.
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