Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 5 Unit 07 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
go ice skating
스케이트를 타러 가다
Where do you go ice skating?
play volleyball
배구를 하다
I don’t stay for more than an hour because I play volleyball every Monday and Wednesday.
take guitar lessons
기타 레슨을 받다
On Tuesdays, I have extra guitar lessons.
see friends
친구들을 만나다
When I finish school, I go to the park near my house and see my friends.
chat online
온라인으로 채팅하다
Every night, I chat online for an hour with my friends.
go to a comic store
만화 가게에 가다
We are going to a comic store.
go diving
다이빙 하러 가다
I like surfing and diving.
do martial arts
무술을 하다
After I finish school, I do martial arts .
play basketball
농구를 하다
How long do you play basketball for?
go cycling
자전거 타러 가다
Do you go cycling every day?
watch quiz shows
퀴즈쇼를 보다
I like watching quiz shows.
go to the playground
놀이터에 가다
They played soccer on the playground yesterday.
surf the Net
인터넷을 검색하다
How long do you surf the Net for?
go to the drama club
연극반에 들다
How long do you go to the drama club for?
work on the garden
정원에서 일하다
My mom works on the garden a lot.
go for a walk
to travel on foot for pleasure or exercise
Let's go for a walk after dinner.
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