Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 5 Unit 08 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
an outdoor game in which players use clubs to hit a small ball into a hole with as few hits as possible
He likes to play golf in the yard.
walk the dog
개를 산책시키다
Are you walking the dog at the park?
have a sleepover
밤샘 파티를 하다
I’ m having a sleepover w ith Li and Sara.
do housework
집안일을 하다
My family is doing housework tomorrow, and I’m walking our dog.
a posting page on an internet web site
Are you blogging at home?
go to gymnastics
체초하러 가다
I’m going to gymnastics with my friend.
help out a friend
친구를 돕다
I helped out my dad today.
check my homework
숙제를 검사하다
On the weekend, I’m checking my homework before I go back to school.
purchase books
책들을 구입하다
On Wednesday, I need to purchase books at the bookstore.
type a paper
종이에 타이핑하다
I need to type a paper for school.
organize my desk
내 책상을 정리하다
I need to organize my desk.
repair my glasses
내 안경을 수리하다
I need to repair my glasses.
go to the bike shop
자전거 가게에 가다
I need to go to the bike shop.
go to the recycling center
재활용센터에 가다
I need to go to the recycling center.
go to the mall
쇼핑몰에 가다
I need to go to the mall.
go to the dentist
치과에 가다
I need to go to the dentist.
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