Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 6 Unit 05 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
giving joy or pleasure
They had an enjoyable weekend in the countryside.
being physically relaxed and at ease
The chair is so comfortable, I can sleep in it.
ride a ferry
유람선을 타다
Do you like riding a ferry?
fly in a jet
제트기를 타고 날다
flying in a jet is more comfortable than riding a ferry.
take public transportation
About 14 million Americans take public transportation each day.
take a cab
택시를 타고 가다
I have no time to foot it. I'll take a cab.
stay at a campsite
야영지에 머무르다
Staying at a campsite is more interesting than staying at a resort.
stay at a resort
휴양지에 머무르다
Staying at a campsite is more interesting than staying at a resort.
surprising in a pleasing way
The firework show was amazing.
involving danger, harm, or death
Playing on the road is dangerous.
visit ruins
유적지를 방문하다
Watching lightning is as amazing as visiting ruins.
go whale watching
고래 관광을 하러 가다
I think whale watching is just as dangerous as cliff diving.
go cliff diving
암벽다이빙을 하러 가다
I think whale watching is just as dangerous as cliff diving.
go snorkeling
스노클 잠수를 하러 가다
You can go swimming, snorkeling, or diving.
watch lightning
번개를 보다
watching lightning is as enjoyable as going whale watching.
go windsurfing
윈드서핑을 하러 가다
Let's go windsurfing, sometime.
클래스카드의 다양한 학습을 바로 체험해 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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