Hang Out (Class Booster)-Book 6 Unit 07 (E)
16 카드 | CompassPublishing
donate clothes
의류를 기증하다
The charity was for donating clothes to children in need in Africa.
organize food drives
식량을 준비하다
He said that he organized food drives.
help the homeless
노숙자를 돕다
We began the effort to help the homeless.
hold bake sales
빵바자회를 열다
The teacher said that he held bake sales.
visit elderly people
노인들을 방문하다
I went to visit some elderly people at their homes.
volunteer at an animal shelter
동물 보호소에서 자원봉사하다
The kittens are being taking care of at an animal shelter.
clean up beaches
해변을 청소하다
Many people have cleaned up beaches after an oil spillage.
collect money
기금을 모으다
She held a concert to collect money for charity.
fix a computer
컴퓨터를 고치다
My computer is broken. But I don't know how to fix it.
change a tire
타이어를 교환하다
How long does it take to change a tire? I don't have enough time.
put up a picture
사진(그림)을 걸다
I put up a picture two days ago.
lend a textbook
교재를 빌리다
I lent a textbook yesterday.
give advice
충고를 하다
She is wise enough to give advice to friends.
shovel snow
눈을 치우다
He has to get out and shovel snow.
wash a car
I washed a car last weekend.
carry bags
가방을 나르다
I carried bags last week.
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