a vegetable that has green branches and small green flowers
Sally didn’t like to eat broccoli, but she knew how to spell it.
the hard outer covering of berries from a particular plant that have been ground into small pieces, used to add hot or spicy flavor to food
This soup has too much pepper in it.
The recipe calls for a tablespoon of baking soda.
a pot used to cook liquids
My aunt made strawberry jam in a big saucepan.
to mix or join things together
Fruits and vegetables can be combined to make one image, or images can be carved into the skins.
to decrease in amount by boiling
The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25.
something used to season food
Salt and pepper are used as seasonings.
not cooked
A steak that is cooked rare, is brown on the outside but raw on the inside.
to take away; withdraw
She removed her textbook from her backpack.