Grammar Inside L3 [2015] - C10 U1
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If I knew her problem, I could help her. (← As I don’t know her problem, I can’t help her.)
내가 그녀의 문제를 안다면 그녀를 도울 텐데.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a yacht.
내가 백만 달러를 갖는다면, 요트를 살 것이다.
If I were you, I would finish my homework before going out.
내가 너라면 나가기 전에 숙제를 마칠 것이다.
If I had reserved the ticket online, I would have gotten a discount. (← As I didn’t reserve the ticket online, I didn’t get a discount.)
내가 온라인으로 표를 예매했다면, 할인을 받았을 텐데.
If I had not gained weight, I could wear these jeans now. (← As I gained weight, I can’t wear these jeans now.)
내가 체중이 늘지 않았더라면, 이 청바지를 지금 입을 수 있을 텐데.
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