Grammar Inside L2 [2015] - C12 U1-2
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If I had time, I could go to the party. (← As I don’t have time, I can’t go to the party.)
내가 시간이 있다면, 파티에 갈 수 있을 텐데.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a nice house.
내가 복권에 당첨된다면, 나는 멋진 집을 살 텐데.
If I had taken the subway, I would have arrived on time. (← As I didn’t take the subway, I didn’t arrive on time.)
내가 지하철을 탔다면, 나는 제 시간에 도착했을 텐데.
If Kate had driven carefully, she wouldn’t have had an accident. (← As Kate didn’t drive carefully, she had an accident.)
Kate가 조심스레 운전했다면, 그녀는 사고를 안 당했을 텐데.
I wish Tom didn’t have a girlfriend. I want to be his girlfriend. (← I’m sorry that Tom has a girlfriend.)
나는 Tom이 여자 친구가 없으면 좋겠다. 나는 그의 여자 친구가 되고 싶다.
I wish I had not lost my digital camera. I need it now. (← I’m sorry that I lost my digital camera.)
나는 내 디지털 카메라를 잃어버리지 않았으면 좋겠다. 나는 지금 그게 필요하다.
She talks as if she knew the actress very well. (← In fact, she doesn’t know the actress very well.)
그녀는 마치 그 여배우를 아주 잘 아는 것 처럼 말한다.
Jake looks as if he had not been sick. (← In fact, Jake was sick.)
Jake는 마치 아프지 않았던 것처럼 보인다.
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