2021년 중1 2회 영어듣기능력평가 11-20번 (딕테이션 추가)
20 카드 | classcard
대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 함께 이용할 교통수단으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[Cellphone rings.]
M: Hey, Jina!
W: Hey, Seho! Do you want to go to Green Park?
M: Sure. How do we get there?
W: We can just take the bus.
M: But, it will be very ____ on the bus now.
W: Right. Then, what about riding ____?
M: Sounds good. We can ____ get some ____ air.
W: Great. Let’s go now!
대화를 듣고, 여자에게 매트가 필요한 이유로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
집에서 운동하기 위해서
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Somi, do you need anything from the ____?
W: Yes, Dad. I need a mat.
M: Okay. What for?
W: As you know, I just started ____ at home last ____. So, I want to have one.
M: I see. I’ll buy one for you.
W: Thank you.
대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Have a seat here. [Pause] First, ____ your right eye. Can you read this?
W: Five, two, three.
M: Good. What about this?
W: Eight and... I can’t see the ____ one.
M: Alright. Now cover your left eye and read this.
W: Seven, nine, and... [Pause] I’m not sure.
M: Okay. Now look ____ and choose the ____ ____.
대화를 듣고, 여자가 찾는 열쇠의 위치로 가장 알맞은 곳을 고르시오
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Hey, Jinho. Can you get my ____ in the kitchen?
M: Okay, Mom. Where did you put it?
W: Maybe on the ____?
M: No, it’s not there.
W: Then, look on the table.
M: Let me see. Oh, I ____ it. It’s under the ____!
대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁한 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
보고서 출력하기
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[Cellphone rings.]
M: Hello, Jessie.
W: Hi, Daniel. What’s up?
M: My ____ isn’t working. Can you print out my ____ ____ for me?
W: Sure. Just email me your file.
M: Okay, just a ____. [Typing sound] I sent it to you.
W: Let me check. [Pause] I got it.
M: Thanks for your help.
대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 제안한 것으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
병원 가기
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Jason, are you okay? You look ____.
M: Mom, I have a ____.
W: But, you were fine at ____.
M: I know. This pain started right after lunch.
W: Maybe you ate too fast?
M: No, I ate slowly. And, I think I have a ____.
W: Then, let’s go see a ____ right now.
M: Okay.
대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 오늘 오후에 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
보드게임 하기
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

[Cellphone rings.]
W: Hey, Brian, what are you doing?
M: Nothing much. What about you?
W: Just ____ TV.
M: Do you want to go play ____ this afternoon?
W: That’s a good idea, but it just started raining.
M: Really? I didn’t know that. I ____ we can’t play badminton.
W: Then, how about playing board games at my house?
M: Sounds good.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 직업으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
웹툰 작가
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Naomi, how was the event with your fans?
W: Fantastic. They were ____ about my new webtoons.
M: That’s ____! You worked so hard on this series.
W: I know. I hope my ____ will love reading it.
M: They will. They’re really going to love your new ____ style.
W: I hope so.
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 이어질 남자의 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Sure, why not?
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

M: Minju, what are you going to do this ____?
W: I don’t have any plans yet. What about you?
M: I’m going to ____ at a ____ home. I do it every Sunday.
W: What do you do there?
M: I usually read ____ to the ____ people.
W: Oh, that’s nice! Can I go with you?
대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 이어질 남자의 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
It’s the big green one.
잘 듣고 빈칸에 맞는 단어를 쓰세요.

W: Oh, I lost my worksheet for ____ class.
M: You can copy mine. Let’s use the copy ____ right over there.
W: Do you know how to use it?
M: It’s easy. Open the cover and put the paper on the glass.
W: Alright, and then?
M: Close the cover and ____ the start button.
W: Which one is the start ____?
듣기시험도 간단히 만들어 학생들에게 출제하세요.
자동채점은 기본, 오답만 다시 풀 수 있습니다.

지금 만들어 보세요!
궁금한 것, 안되는 것
말씀만 하세요:)
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