YBM 고등 영어Ⅱ 박준언 Lesson 6
43 카드 | ybmadmin
n. 개척지
Modern children have eventually grown up to lead the frontiers of robot technology.
a. 놀라울 정도의, 놀라운
The incredible history of robots is all about science catching up with human imagination.
catch up with
The incredible history of robots is all about science catching up with human imagination.
n. 소설, 허구
The incredible history of robots is a constant dialog between imaginative fiction and actual scientific discoveries.
v. 실을 만들다
In The Iliad, Homer tells the myth of Hephaistos who has helpers made of gold that spin and weave.
v. 실을 엮다
In The Iliad, Homer tells the myth of Hephaistos who has helpers made of gold that spin and weave.
a. 무생물의
Many ancient stories show that people have long dreamed of inanimate creatures that can do their monotonous or difficult work.
a. 단조로운
Many ancient stories show that people have long dreamed of inanimate creatures that can do their monotonous or difficult work.
n. 토대, 기초
In early modern times, the first invention that laid the foundation for robotics was perfected.
n. 로봇 공학
In early modern times, the first invention that laid the foundation for robotics was perfected.
n. 기계 장치
The mechanisms that ran clocks were called “clockworks.”
n. 자동 장치, 작은 로봇
The 17th century is known to have been the golden age of “clockwork automatons.”
n. 조상, 선조
Walking toy soldiers were distant ancestors to today’s robots.
a. 기계의, 기계적인
The moving dolls marked the beginning of modern mechanical engineering.
n. 모서리, 경계
Further advances of mechanical engineering have given sharper edges to the imaginary machines that work for human beings.
a. 가상의, 상상의
Further advances of mechanical engineering have given sharper edges to the imaginary machines that work for human beings.
refer to
The term “robot,” referring to such artificial creatures, was first coined in Czech writer Karel Capek’s play.
a. 인공의
The term “robot,” referring to such artificial creatures, was first coined in Czech writer Karel Capek’s play.
v. (말을) 만들다
The term “robot,” referring to such artificial creatures, was first coined in Czech writer Karel Capek’s play.
n. 노동
Robots are specifically made to do the hard labor so that human beings can live lives of leisure and comfort.
a. 반복적인
Industrial robots perform repetitive and dangerous tasks.
ad. 대단히, 엄청
Products are manufactured infinitely faster and cheaper than before.
n. 화산
Industrial robots are sent deep into the sea, into volcanoes, and even to other planets.
be about to
막 ~하려는 참이다
For the first time in human history, robots are about to evolve into independent, “living” creatures.
n. 전망
The prospect seems to have stirred more fears than hopes.
v. 불러일으키다
The prospect seems to have stirred more fears than hopes.
n. 공포
When Google’s AlphaGo beat the world’s elite go players, the shock and dread that robots might finally assume “life” struck the global population.
v. 빚지다
It is called Frankenstein anxiety and owes its name to the novel Frankenstein.
a. 무수히 많은
In the genre of science fiction, countless artificial beings were depicted as becoming dangerous.
v. 묘사하다, 그리다
In the genre of science fiction, countless artificial beings were depicted as becoming dangerous.
be replaced with
~로 대체되다
Human beings were seen to be replaced with their own creation.
wipe off
~를 없애다
In the movie The Terminator, released in the 1980s, highly developed AI robots finally decide to wipe the human race off the face of the earth.
v. 고안하다
The safety measures Asimov devised for his fictional robots were the famous “Three Fundamental Laws of Robotics.”
set the priorities
우선순위를 정하다
The Laws set the priorities for robotic behavior.
at all cost
무슨 수를 써서라도
At all cost, human life should be protected.
a. 통찰력 있는
Asimov’s fictional vision has proved insightful and has helped global leaders to plan and prepare for the future.
a. 윤리적인
In 2011, British scientists, engineers, and scholars suggested that designers, builders, and users of robots follow five ethical principles.
n. 원리, 원칙
The principles focus on human safety, making it clear that robots should serve human beings.
n. 결의안
In February, 2017, the European Parliament approved a resolution calling for the creation of laws on robotics.
a. 과도한
We cannot just stop developing robots because of undue fears.
a. 철저한
Thorough discussions and constant monitoring are essential in guiding us in the right direction for robot development.
a. 사려 깊은, 주의 깊은
We should be wiser and more considerate in picturing and planning for a future with robots, carefully weighing many different possibilities.
v. 따져 보다, 저울질하다
We should be wiser and more considerate in picturing and planning for a future with robots, carefully weighing many different possibilities.
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